Sunday, November 26, 2006

Xcast Episode #11

Welcome To Xcast Episode 11

-I welcomed Special guest hosts Nelson and Natalie from the Planet Xbox 360 Podcast to the show.

-Gave you a Wii review (havent played PS3 yet)

-Went over some ideas going around the gaming industry

-Announced some new marketplace content

Download Episode 11 here!

Links for Episode 11

Please post reviews for the show on the Itunes Music Store! (link will open Itunes and take you to the Xcast page)

Listener Call In Line:1-206-339-4661 (not toll free)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Xbox 360!

I would like to wish Xbox 360 a Happy 1st Birthday. Please check out the new shows featured on the brand new video marketplace in the Media blade.

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Xcast Episode #10

The Xcast is now entering double digits, thank you for listening. This episode I talked about the PS3 and Wii launches, as well as the wireless steering wheel and HD-DVD Player being released and much more... This episode I also reviewed...

Sorry no interviews this episode but there are more coming don't worry! Send all of your comments about the show to

Download Episode 10 here!

Remember to Post Reviews for the Xcast on the Itunes Music Store! (this link will open Itunes and take you to the Xcast page)

Thanks for listening!

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

Links to Items mentioned in the show:

Wireless Steering Wheel
HD-DVD Drive
Knuckles Dawson's Podcast

Shoutout to CoolhandM3

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Zune Going to out sell Ipod this Holiday season?

(Courtesy of a Google Image Search)

Alright here is what I think about this whole issue. It depends what people are looking for at what price. The Zune holds video,music, has a built in radio tuner and wi-fi capability*. The price point of the Zune is 250 dollars (not sure for how much storage*) Now an Ipod Video sells for around 350 dollars (I think base storage is a little more storage than Zune, not sure), If you buy music from the Itunes Music Store, it comes in a protected format so it cannot be used for any other device except if you burn it to a disk which gets kind of annoying after the first disk or two. But the Music Store supposedly is one of the biggest if not the biggest online music stores around. So I guess we are going to have to wait and see this holiday season, though a nice thing about Zune is since the dash update it is very compatible with the 360 (wi-fi). So thats my take on it, wait and see.

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

*Visit the Zune website for more information on the Zune and Apple's website for more information on the Ipod.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to the X that started it all, the original Xbox!

Wow can you believe it? I sure cant, on November 15th the console that started Microsoft's jump into the console wars, the original Xbox turns 5 years old! Check out what some gamers had to say here. 6 days after this birthday, we have another birthday in the Xbox family, the Xbox 360 turns 1 year old and as we all now HD/Standard Definition Movies for rent and TV Shows are published on marketplace. So keep your eyes open for that!

Xcast Episode 9

Xcast Episode 9: Happy Official Emergence Day and the first Xcast Interview!

This episode as you can tell from the title was the first Xcast Interview with interview candidate Knuckles Dawson! Also Happy Emergence Day, Check out Marketplace for some new Gears Of War content. As far as news goes, Is Sony running there mouth, along with EA?-two seperate links. Also remember to check out Knuckles Dawson's site. Feel free to email me: to let me know what you think. Ill see you around in the Gears lobbies! Download Episode 9 here!

Sorry about the shaky editing job with the beginning intro, I wanted to bring the content to you faster and I tried to launch it on Sunday, but server problems got in the way, so I didnt preview it as much as I normally would have.

Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Is Gears stealing the spotlight this week?

Over the past week many great titles have been released. These titles are Gears Of War,Call of Duty 3, Tony Hawk's Project 8 and Viva Pinata.(sorry if I missed any) Of all these titles, Gears is said to have been the most popular. I feel as though the other games released this week arent recieving as much attention as they should be. Gears is a great game, dont get me wrong but please be sure to check out the other titles that also released this past week.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Episode 8

Welcome To Episode 8 Xbox Live's: TheMan661's Xcast For the week of November 5 2006!

This episode I discussed the "console wars" and where I stand on that, I did a Gears Of War review,mentioned an upcoming interview (you will find out with who when it happens, you will find it very interesting!). I also went over some new halo 3 content that was announced, and much more newsbits. Movies and TV Shows coming in both high and standard definition on marketplace on November 22nd 2006 to celebrate the Xbox 360 Launch Anniversary."Gamer Content"-custom made 360 faceplates and "Gamer Opinion" What do you think about gold members getting content before silver?

P.S.- While I was in gamestop picking up Gears, I saw a Wii display, I do not think it was hooked up though, so if you want you can check into that. I took a picture of it with my phone, but it is not that clear, I will try and post it later on.

Download Episode 8 Here

My email address:
Listener Call In Line (not toll free)- 1-206-339-4661

Links mentioned in the show: "Gamer Content" Faceplates made by gamers! -Halo 3 content announcement -Movies and TV Shows on Marketplace! -Best Buy cancels some PS3 preorders.

Thanks for listening!

Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

COD 3 Launch!

Today COD 3 was launched, I know I made a post with Gears Of War that they were launched the same day, but COD 3 was shipped the day Gears launched. Sorry, my mistake.

(new episode coming soon!)

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New Games Released Today

Happy Emergence Day-Gears Of War

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

-Post edited: 11/8/06

Monday, November 06, 2006

Emergence Day Tomorrow! (11/7/06)

Most of you reading this post are going to say, What is Frank talking about?, Emergence Day is the 12th. Yes officially it is the 12th but most dedicated game stores (Gamestop,EB...) will be recieving Gears Of War tomorrow, but If you reserved your copy you Should be able to pick it up tomorrow. I will be bringing you my Gears Of War review tomorrow when I post my next podcast. I reserved and I am picking the game up tomorrow.

Thanks for listening!

-Frank (Gamertag:TheMan661)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Release Confirmed-Wireless Headset Has Been Released!

Like I was saying in episode 7, I was not sure if the wireless headset was released. Now I have recieved word that it has been released, so pick up one soon, they have already been back-ordered on gamestop!

-Frank (Gamertag: TheMan661)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gamer Opinion Poll #2 Episode 7

Which system do you think is going to come out on top this holiday season (Xbox 360,Wii or PS3) and why?

Please respond in the form of:


First Name and/or Gamertag

Gamer Opinion Poll #1 Episode 7

Do you think the PS3 is too expensive?

Please respond in the form of:


First Name and/or Gamertag

Episodes 1-3-Here is the story

Episodes 1-3 will be reposted on Itunes ASAP. I deleted them to make room on my sever.(I use LibSyn) Episodes 1-3- here is the story on these episodes. I had brought up to some gamers that I knew and ran into that I would be starting the show. They all wanted to be in it so I threw them in. So that is the story on episodes 1-3. These episodes are not content that will be featured on other episodes nor were they made with the new equipment in Episode #7 So if things seem a little out of order in these episodes I apologize in advance. For the uniform order of content that will be used from now on I suggest that you check Episode #7 (which can be downloaded here). So I will be trying to get these episodes out ASAP, storage space permitting. I thank you for bringing this up to me and I thank you for your listenership!

P.S- If you would like to be a co host please email me and I will try to get you on the show like the co hosts featured in episodes 1-3!

-Frank (Gamertag:TheMan661)

TheMan661's Xcast Episode 7: Xcast Show Overhaul

This show the Xcast went through a complete show overhaul! I am now bringing you hi-def and more detailed episodes. I will still give you the Xbox 360 news, reviews,interviews and more... But on top of that I added brand new content to represent YOU the gamer. I added a new segment in which I will share with the world your opinions. The segment is called "Gamer Opinion" I will be having blog based polls on my blog at and I will relay most of your comments to the world on my podcast. My next new segment is called "Gamer-Created Content" In this segment I will speak about content created by you the gamer and possibly share (audio reviews) on my show. Send all content created by you whether it be drawings, audio or anything to I also mentioned new content and reviewed Cabela's Alaskan Adventures. Also I talked about the world-wide "so called" problem of microtransactions.

Links that I mentioned in the show: Saints Row Auto Update Information -Major Nelson on G4 -Elle's article on the Fall update features. -360 song - Xbox 360 Selling Stats in Australia - My website (I put this on if you are viewing the Libsyn blog or .tk) - My new email address

New Listener Call In Line (Not toll free)

Call in number: 1-206-339-4661 (not a toll free number)